Real Property Parcels
Real Property records can be found using the Parcel ID, Account Number, Subdivision, Address, or Owner Last Name.
Real Property Parcels
Commercial &
Industrial Parcels (3.6% of Real Property Parcels)
Tangible Personal
Property Businesses
Total Market Value
Land Area
Square Miles
Single Family Homes
Condo Units
Parks & Natural Areas
Golf Courses
Median Household
Owner Occupied
Education (high school or higher)
Population Per
Square Mile
Housing Units
2-yr Population Change
Data sourced from
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Alice was so kind & helpful! I am so thankful for her help.
All went very well. Thank you. Kelli was beyond helpful.
The receptionist (Cherie) was so pleasant and friendly when I called. A lost art in today’s society! She deserves a vacation, flowers, and chocolate.
(Rena & Liz) Very Helpful!
Alice was an extremely courteous & professional person we dealt with. She is knowledgeable, very patient with our questions, & a pleasure to have dealt with.